Slim Dark Chocolate Almond Cookie Recipe

Super Easy Slim Dark Chocolate Almond Cookie recipe for 1

Almond Cookie Recipe Below ↙️

Almond Cookie Recipe
Almond Cookie Recipe

🐺 1 TB wheat flour
🐺 1 tsp dark cocoa powder
🐺 2 TB stevia powder
🐺 2 tsp brown sugar stevia blend
🐺 1 TB vanilla skyr (0%, Siggi’s)
🐺 1 TB dark chocolate chips
🐺 3-5 almonds (I used cocoa dusted almonds from Blue Diamond)
🐺 Tiny pinch sea salt, opt

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Use a fork to mash together all ingredients except chips, almonds, and sea salt. The dough shouldn’t be too sticky, add a pinch of flour if needed. Pat into an evenly flattened cookie shape. Press chocolate chips and almonds on top. Sprinkle a few bits of coarse sea salt on top if using.

You can bake on a lightly greased sheet at 350 for 8 mins. You can also air fry for 6-7 mins around 390. I used my instant pot air fryer lid attachment with the Bake setting, at 350, for 8 mins. The cookie will look firmed up and not cave in to the touch, in the center. Allow cooling. Enjoy!

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